TEMPE, Ariz. — A few days before the Angels’ first full-squad workout of the spring, Manager Ron Washington said he’s eager to get an idea of what type of batting order he’s going to use.
One question is looming particularly large for him.
“The reality is, I’m looking for a fourth-hole hitter,” he said. “We’ll see where it goes.”
Washington said so far he’s determined that his three best hitters are Mike Trout, Taylor Ward and Jorge Soler, so he wants them at the top of the lineup, in some order. Of those three, he said he wants Trout and Ward in the top three, but Soler could hit as low as fourth.
Washington remains reluctant to use his young players in the third or fourth spots in the lineup.
“I do not want to push those young kids in a position that’s too powerful for them,” Washington said. “They will say it’s not, but they will say anything that doesn’t make them feel like they are lacking in any way.”
Shortstop Zach Neto, who could miss the start of the season while rehabbing from shoulder surgery, flourished when Washington put him in the No. 2 spot late last season. Nonetheless, Washington said right now he sees Neto hitting fifth or sixth.
First baseman Niko Kavadas wore No. 28 last season, but he happily surrendered that number for right-hander Kyle Hendricks this year. Kavadas is now No. 20. “I grew up the biggest Cubs fan ever,” Kavadas said. “He’s always been 28. For me, growing up a Cubs fan, to see him in anything other than 28 wouldn’t be right.” …
Mickey Moniak, who wore No. 16 last year, is now No. 8. He gave up No. 16 for Yusei Kikuchi. …
Washington said the Angels are going to try Tim Anderson in the outfield this spring. Luis Rengifo, who has played outfield a few times in the majors, will also get a look in the outfield this spring. …
Right-hander Sam Bachman said he’s lost about 15 pounds since the end of last season. Bachman is coming off his first injury-free winter in a couple of years. He said he’s been throwing off a mound for about three weeks.
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